Exercise Trail

The Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust (TRLRT) and Tetbury Town Council have recently created an exercise trail along the Council owned section of the Tetbury Trail.

Exercise station

Tetbury Trail Exercise Station

This initiative to improve the health and fitness of the local community was the result of a proposal by Tetbury resident Geoff Turbott who also project managed the equipment installation.

Exercise stations plan - 1

Exercise stations plan – 1

There are 20 exercise stations in all. Ten ‘stretch’ stations are located together between the Goods Shed and the Malmesbury Road. The 10 stations with exercise equipment are located on the other side of the Goods Shed along the Tetbury Trail.

Exercise stations plan - 2

Exercise stations plan – 2

The cost of the exercise equipment has been funded by a grant from Gloucestershire County Council’s “Growing our Community” fund that was approved by Tetbury’s County Councillor Steven Hirst.

Stretch stations

Stretch stations

The installation of the exercise equipment has not been covered by the GCC grant and Geoff Turbott has very generously paid these significant additional costs.

Exercise equipment

Exercise equipment

The Town Council are providing insurance cover for the exercise trail and are responsible for ongoing maintenance of the equipment.

Exercise station

Exercise station

Each exercise station has a sign with instructions for two different exercises that can be carried out there.